talent experience

Co-Creating Employee Experience – A Conversation with cleverbridge’s Laura Winegardner

Co-Creating Employee Experience – A Conversation with cleverbridge’s Laura Winegardner

In this Talent Tales episode I had the honor to interview Laura Winegardner, Employee Experience Manager at cleverbridge. Laura’s creative superpower is “infusing the big picture with nitty-gritty details”. She has the ability to dream really big but is also able to think through every little detail that goes into making that big picture a reality.

Laura’s background in interior design is what continues to keep her interested in human-centered design methods. In her current job, she applies the method to the employee experience.

Early on in her career at cleverbridge as an Office Manager, Laura realized the importance of bringing together Facilities, Marketing, IT, and HR to create a seamless employee experience and space that fits the needs of employees. In her next role in Marketing, she took those learnings and applied them to bringing the cleverbridge brand to life for the company’s clients and prospects. That is also where she learned the art of storytelling which she is now able to leverage in her current role as Employee Experience Manager. The impetus for creating this new role was that employees provided a lot of feedback but there was no place to analyze what really would make an impact on engagement.

It quickly became clear, that collaborating across functions in the growing organization was key to providing a seamless employee experience. Initially, collaboration was organic but as the organization grew to 350 employees, a more structured collaboration effort was needed.

Elevating Employee Experience – A Conversation with Kaiser Permanente’s Angela Howard

Elevating Employee Experience – A Conversation with Kaiser Permanente’s Angela Howard

In this Talent Tales episode I had the honor to interview Angela Howard, Director or Talent Management & Culture at Kaiser Permanente. Angela’s creative superpower is “connecting the dots”. She likes to collaborate across functions to deliver an awesome employee experience.

During our conversation Angela shared how Kaiser Permanente is looking at the employee experience not from a traditional programmatic approach but by focusing on what the journey looks like from the employee perspective. The company has a dedicated employee experience team that ensures all HR programs connect to provide a seamless employee experience, from the minute someone learns about Kaiser Permanente to the time they leave the company.