Why Talent Tales?

Over the last three years I've discussed with hundreds of HR professionals how we might make our work places more human-centered by leveraging the power of design thinking.

From those conversations there was a theme emerging: Those who hadn’t used design thinking yet wanted to learn from those who'd already done it. And those who are steeped in the method wanted to share their experience to help advance our profession.

What if we could bring these groups together through storytelling?

A quote from Brené Brown popped into my head:

Maybe stories are just data with a soul.

Et voilà - Talent Tales was born!

My vision is to bring each story to life in a multi-media experience: live webinar, blog, video, and podcast.

I hope you will find this experiment valuable and will join us for the ride. As with everything in design thinking I am very open to iterating on the concept and content so please share your experience along the way.