benefits design

Nudging for Benefit – A Conversation with GreenPath’s Danielle Crane

Nudging for Benefit – A Conversation with GreenPath’s Danielle Crane

In this Talent Tales episode, talent.imperative Founder Nicole Dessain had the honor to interview Danielle Crane, Chief Talent Officer at GreenPath.

Danielle’s creative superpower is connecting humans and ideas.

Danielle describes herself as “the girl who almost didn’t enter HR”. She quit her first HR internship after 48 hours. Her career counsellor challenged her to try for another internship and encouraged her to help design what HR might be versus the reactive function she initially experienced.

Danielle was first exposed to design thinking by her CEO who had used it previously and brought it with her when she joined GreenPath. Danielle was intrigued by how she might apply this method for complex problem solving with her internal customers – leaders and employees.

In her own practice, Danielle combines design thinking with behavioral economics principles when designing HR programs at GreenPath.