change management

Enabling Managers – A Conversation with Eurobank’s Stella Ioannidou

Enabling Managers – A Conversation with Eurobank’s Stella Ioannidou

In this Talent Tales episode, talent.imperative Founder Nicole Dessain had the honor to interview Stella Ioannidou, IT Workforce Management Lead at Eurobank.

Stella’s creative superpower is applying the concept of analogy. She often draws from another context to gain inspiration for the current problem she is trying to solve.

After having worked a decade in project management, Stella recognized that what set apart good projects was how people were engaged in the process. She started to include some coaching practices into project management. Stella then realized that it was even more important to engage people in a cultural context overall instead just on a project. That realization sparked her interest in learning more about how people perform, what makes them tick, and what skills they need to succeed.